Below you will find some helpful publications and articles related to Medicare.  If you're looking for a publication not listed here please call us and we'll send it to you via email, or you can find it on

How to Review and Change Part D Drug Plans on your Account
Your account is the only place you can see details and enroll in all plans in your state. We offer drug plan guidance as a service to our Medicare supplement clients who call us while logged in to their account. This attachment is a printable pdf document that provides step-by-step guidance on how to navigate your account to compare and enroll in Part D drug plans.
2025 Part D Self Enroll Steps.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [845.6 KB]

High Income Adjustment Guidelines for Medicare Premiums

If your Modified Adjusted Gross Income is over $103K for individual tax filers or $206K for joint filers, you'll pay more for Medicare Parts B and D. To find out how much more, look on the Social Security Administration website for more information: